The Vero Beach Yacht Club is a unique place on the water to meet with family and friends and make new friends. The club offers everything you could imagine, starting with an active membership that meets in a warm and accommodating clubhouse for a variety of social events or comes to just relax, enjoy a favorite libation and share experiences. And, you do not have to own a boat to join in the fun. The club offers social interaction and a great waterfront dining experience. The club was established in 1926 and continues to be the most happening place on the Indian River Lagoon.
You will be welcomed by our staff whose goal is to provide impeccable personal service; the club's amenities are available for luncheons, dinners, parties, receptions and meetings.
Another privilege of being a club member is that our club belongs to the Florida Council of Yacht Clubs. Thus, our members have year-round reciprocal privileges with over 30 yacht clubs in Florida. A particular benefit for our members, who visit other Council clubs by boat, is the availability of a berth for the member's vessel, with the first night being complimentary. FCYC reciprocating members can also charge expenses to their home club.
VBYC is also a member of the Yachting Club of America, and as such members enjoy reciprocity with over 700 yacht clubs nationwide.
And, from May to October, Vero Beach Yacht Club has Summer Reciprocity with a number of other private clubs located in Indian River County. The reciprocity extends not only to dining establishments within the clubs but also access to the other club's tennis and golf facilities.
As any member will tell you, membership in the Vero Beach Yacht Club is an active part of their lives. Because of its not-for-profit status and limited revenue sources, the club depends heavily on volunteerism by its members and considers an applicant's attitude toward service and likely involvement on committees and work parties in the review process. By participating in the club's functioning, members have a great sense of ownership in their club.
The potential applicant(s) requires both a sponsor and a co-sponsor who are current club members. The sponsor obtains a membership application directly from the VBYC Office.